
The Newsletter 值此2024歲暮之季,亞洲癌症研究基金會有限公司感謝您成為我們抗癌大家庭中珍貴的一員。 您的支持為基金會推動尖端性科學研究提供了原動力。譬如,AFCR的資助推進了一個獨特的首創分子膠降解劑技術平台,可以消除不可成藥的癌症靶點,並在調節癌症存活率和癌細胞轉移方面展現出巨大潛力。同時,AFCR長期資助的植物藥YIV-906,其IIb期臨床試驗顯示出可觀前景,能夠增強免疫反應,減輕胃腸道副作用,幫助患者耐受一線藥物。 您的善款對我們至關重要。正因為像您這樣的慷慨捐助者,我們才得以為這些科研癒癌提供亟需的資金支持,推動有望顯著改善各類癌症的診斷和治療的研究項目。 懇請您今天就送出一份捐助! As 2024 draws to a close, the Asian Fund for Cancer Research Limited (AFCR) thanks you for being a valued member of our cancer-fighting community.

Your support is the driving force that allows AFCR to advance cutting-edge cancer research. For example, new milestones have been reached in first-in-class molecular glue degraders supported by AFCR that can eliminate undruggable cancer targets, with great potential to regulate cancer survival and metastasis. Meanwhile, AFCR-supported botanical drug YIV-906 entered the Phase IIb clinical trial, showing promise to enhance the immune response and alleviate gastrointestinal side effects to help patients tolerate the frontline drug.

The gift you give matters most. It’s contributions from loyal donors like you that made such excellent progress in these AFCR-funded research projects possible, which could significantly improve cancer treatment and diagnosis. Please Donate Today!<image001.png>了解我們在2024-2025年期間資助的癌症科研項目Learn more about the research fields we fund during 2024-2025   <image002.jpg> FacebookTwitterLinkedInYouTubeInstagramUnit 1503, Tower II, Metroplaza, 223 Hing Fong Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
香港葵涌興芳路223號新都會廣場第2座1503室 Phone電話 2156 9684 | 
[email protected] | www.AFCR.org The Asian Fund for Cancer Research Limited (AFCR) is committed to funding cancer research, especially those cancers prevalent in Asian populations, and promoting global collaborations for high impact to save the lives of cancer patients. 亞洲癌症研究基金會有限公司(AFCR)致力於資助癌症研究,尤其專注於亞洲人口發病率高的癌症,並通過促進具有重大影響的癌症研究國際合作,救助癌症患者生命。


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