On 7th November 2024 (Thursday), Melbourne will host the event for the first time!
Sorry for a typo mistake in our last LinkedIn post.
A lot of people from Australia may like to know more about Hong Kong and Shenzhen.
- Size: Shenzhen (~2,050 square kilometers) is nearly twice as large as Hong Kong (~1,110 square kilometers).
- Population: Shenzhen’s population (approximately 17.7 million in 2023) is more than double Hong Kong’s (around 7.5 million in 2023).
- GDP: Shenzhen’s total GDP (~$550 billion USD in 2023) is higher, driven by manufacturing and tech industries. Hong Kong’s GDP is roughly $368 billion USD in 2023.
- GDP per Capita: Hong Kong (USD 49,000) leads, highlighting a wealthier population in a highly developed financial hub. Shenzhen’s GDP per capita is around USD 31,000, higher than many ASEAN countries.
Both cities are economic powerhouses, but Hong Kong remains more service- and finance-oriented, while Shenzhen has rapidly evolved as a technology and manufacturing leader within China.
If you are interested in joining the GIPC 2024 and/or learning more about Shenzhen’s rapid evolution in tech and manufacturing, please contact:
Joseph Tse
Vice President (Venture Incubator & Business Growth)
副总裁 (风险投资孵化器与业务增长)
Email: [email protected]