Diffbot’s AI model doesn’t guess — it knows, thanks to a trillion-fact knowledge graph
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The artificial intelligence evolution is well underway. AI technology is
By Elaine Briseño ( January 13, 2025, 4:41 PM EST)
More Australian government agencies failed to meet the required levels
By Ali Sullivan ( January 13, 2025, 4:35 PM EST)
Windscribe VPN fast facts Our rating: 4.1 stars out of
00:00 Hi, everybody. Welcome to Global Tech Tales: What Buyers Want.
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In today’s rapidly changing financial landscape, providing an excellent digital
Eindhoven-based startup Photon IP has raised €4.75mn in seed funding
Are you a customer experience (CX) leader at a company
主禮嘉賓(左起)皇玥董事長及首席執行官嚴運波博士、香港海洋公園行政總裁黃嗣輝先生。 隨著「熊貓經濟」被寫入新一份《施政報告》,近來本港不同界別均借助六隻大熊貓推動香港文化旅遊,盈盈、樂樂及牠們的新生龍鳳 胎寶寶,連同早前中央政府送贈本港的兩隻大熊貓安安和可可,大熊貓文化效應持續升溫!六隻大熊貓在香港落地生根,開枝散葉,既有象徵意義,也可產生實際效果。政府落實推動「熊貓經濟」吸引更多旅客訪港,勢為香港旅遊業、零售業及飲食業帶來正面影響。 雙品牌優勢全球銷售助推香港旅遊 皇玥控股創辦人兼董事長嚴運波博士表示,是次聯乘產品將會出口至全球:「今次是皇玥首次的跨界合作,其實之前曾經有不少品牌聯絡我們作聯乘,我們都不作考慮,但今次正因海洋公園是香港品牌,在全球已有很高知名度,而 且本身園區已有一定人流,聯乘 IP 又是熊貓,是本身皇玥也是紮根香港,100%香港製造的香港品牌,今次的合作絕對是天作之合!」皇玥預計,該系列將推動品牌年度銷售增長 20-30%。
A new survey by payroll tech firm Yellow Canary found
We all have them. By “we” I mean we process
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Nationwide Building Society (Nationwide), one of the largest insurance and
Overview In this episode, we sit down with Shumon Zaman,
Agentic artificial intelligence is expected to have a major impact
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TNW has strengthened its support for European tech by adding
There’s a story, probably apocryphal, about a royal leader who
Headers are an important part of many Microsoft Word documents.
Network traffic analysis (NTA) is the practice of monitoring and
Fifty of the fastest-growing tech firms in the Netherlands are
America’s soda market is very difficult to disrupt. The market
By Pamela Signorello, Bill Knauss and Mallory Meaney ( January
Across the nations we surveyed, people are generally pessimistic about
Managing customer data has never been more important – or
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French upstart Circular has unveiled a fresh challenge to Oura
Gartner recently shared that AI is the No. 1 technology
By Matteson Ellis ( January 9, 2025, 5:52 PM EST)
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By Liisa Thomas and Kathryn Smith ( January 9, 2025,
From bricklaying robots to zero-carbon cement, startups are shaking up
Where are those workloads going? “There’s a renewed focus on
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As retailers grapple with challenges from complex supply chains to
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A Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) or returned item fee is what
By Jennifer Frank, Matthew Dunn and John Griem ( January
今年是港人集體回憶的本地漫畫珍藏《風雲》35週年紀念,香港舞蹈團再次與《風雲》原作者馬榮成,把經典武俠舞劇《風雲》重現舞台。本地餐飲股譚仔(02217)冠名贊助港漫武俠舞劇《風雲》外,即日起更推出期間限定的「雲腿湯米線系列」及多款舞劇《風雲》獨家主題精品,並推出新春限定的「迎春接福過橋米線套餐」。 譚仔全線即日起推出期間限定的「雲腿湯米線配雞卷.風乾火腿」米線,以傳統粵饌菜膽雲腿湯,配金門火腿、西班牙風乾火腿及雞卷。而88元的迎春接福過橋米線套餐,內有15款食材包括西生菜、小棠菜、巴馬火腿、金門火腿、牛肉、雞肉、豬肉、豬膶、冬菇、螺片、豆卜、燻蹄、竹笙、蟲草花及芽菜,寓意新一年豐衣足食,套餐包一杯熱飲。 Pop-up Store 收益貢獻培育香港藝術人才 即日至1月31日期間,兩大傳承聯乘主題店「譚仔 x香港舞蹈團 x港漫武俠舞劇《風雲》」及「譚仔x Grandma’s Scone」進駐尖沙咀星光大道。除了發售多款招牌譚仔小食,如土匪雞翼、四川青椒皮蛋及紅油豬耳外,備受網民追棒的「嫲」辣鬆餅亦會載譽歸來,包括「蒜泥白肉原味鬆餅」、「四川青椒皮蛋芫茜鬆餅」和「酸菜炸醬麻辣5小辣鬆餅」。Pop-up
German startup Vay plans to expand its “teledriving” fleet in
The role of the CIO has evolved. Today’s CIOs are
By Tom Paskowitz, Colleen Kenney and Matt Jackson ( January
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A mesh Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secure, flexible
In our 36-country survey, we asked respondents how large a
Most industry analysts expect organizations will accelerate efforts to harness
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美股道指跌178.20點,跌幅為0.42%,報42528.36點;納指跌375.30點,跌幅為1.89%,報19489.68點;標普500指數跌66.35點,跌幅為1.11%,報5909.03點。 美國勞工統計局週二公佈報告顯示,美國11月JOLTS職位空缺突破800萬大關,大幅超預期,創下六個月新高。近期職位空缺數量的上升,打破了近三年來的下行趨勢,降低了人們對今年聯儲局將進一步減息幅度的預期。美國ISM服務業PMI,數據也顯著超預期。兩大重磅數據公佈後,7月之前減息預期降溫。 中國央行連續第二個月增持黃金,12月外匯儲備環比下降1.94%。 中共中央、國務院:加快養老科技和信息化發展應用 重點推動人形機器人、腦機接口、人工智能等技術產品研發應用。 香港:2024年12月底官方外匯儲備資產為4214億美元。 騰訊控股(700):美國國防部錯誤將公司列入中國軍工企業名單 將啟動複議程序並採取必要措施。 中國平安保險(集團)股份有限公司增持工商銀行(1398)約1.55億股 每股作價約4.88港元。
By Matthew Perlman ( January 9, 2025, 6:48 PM EST)
As my family’s “CFO,” I meticulously scanned my utility bills
By Elizabeth Daley ( January 10, 2025, 6:13 PM EST)
From marketing service provider to CRM marketing services … what’s
GenAI is everywhere — available as a standalone tool, proprietary
Health care organizations may soon be subject to new cybersecurity
By Lauraann Wood ( January 10, 2025, 10:07 PM EST)
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For this analysis, we grouped people into two political categories:
Not long ago, we predicted that 2025 would be another
Operational customer relationship management tools offer advanced custom workflows, visual
Ever wondered how to keep your sensitive business data safe
As businesses increasingly shift to cloud-based and virtualized environments, traditional
00:00 Hi, I’m Lee Rennick, executive director of CIO communities for
Windows Fax and Scan, a built-in application in the Windows
On Dec. 8, cybersecurity company BeyondTrust notified the US Department
By Sydney Price ( January 10, 2025, 4:21 PM EST)
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Molti sostengono che l’influenza politica dei ricchi sia un fattore
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A new survey by payroll tech firm Yellow Canary found
By Adam Lidgett ( January 10, 2025, 5:34 PM EST)
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You’re running into errors or glitches in Microsoft Outlook and
Scientists in the UK have forged 5.5 tonnes of a
Budget planning tools help IT leaders build an accurate estimate
It’s a good idea to establish a governance policy supporting
Key takeaways Begin by identifying outdated tasks in your employee
In a Forrester landscape report published in May 2024, we
The U.K. government is investigating whether IBM’s acquisition of cloud
Spurred by the rapid adoption of generative AI, cloud computing’s
Network packets are small units of data that are sent
Cybersecurity leaders always have a lot on their minds. What
Starting in the second quarter, IBM will offer “RISE with
The B2B event technology landscape has continued to transform apace
The management of Software GmbH, which will continue to act
In today’s dynamic environment, the focus isn’t just on achieving
HR teams across the Asia-Pacific region increasingly deploy AI and
Disaster recovery technologies are designed to prevent or minimize the
There are better and worse ways to approach private cloud,
I was recently speaking with a client who stated, “We’ve
By Al Barbarino ( January 10, 2025, 3:06 PM EST)
By Clara Geoghegan ( January 10, 2025, 5:54 PM EST)
President Biden signed a bipartisan law last April stating that
While the world has largely recovered from the chip shortage
Artificial intelligence is already a big deal, but not everyone
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