CIOs’ top 2025 goal? Turning around IT’s sagging reputation

Moreover, CIOs must migrate from “meeting expectations” to “exceeding expectations.” The consensus among my sample set of technology leaders indicates less than 10% of IT organizations are “exceeding expectations” today.

During his seven years as Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information (NTIA), where he was a principal advisor to the President, Vice President, and Secretary of Commerce, Larry Irving coined the phrase “Digital Divide,” advocating for domestic and international policies to increase more equitable access to the Internet and related technologies. Putting technology in the hands of end-users is not enough. End-users need to understand how to use the technology productively.

Many CIOs recount misunderstandings among staff regarding when IT’s job is done. During the rollout of a collaboration platform, a project manager asked her team, “When are we finished?” The team responded unanimously, “When we have installed the icon [for the new app] on everyone’s desktop.”


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