Your greatest hub for technology startups and marketers

Welcome to Startups Community Asia Ltd, the premier hub for technology startups and marketers in Asia. We are a dynamic network community that fosters collaboration among business entrepreneurs and provides them with funding opportunities.

About Us

Startups Community Asia Ltd is a Hong Kong-based organization dedicated to assisting, supporting, and nurturing technology startups and entrepreneurs through our AI matching and networking platform. Our vision is to become the leading digital tech community hub in Hong Kong.

A Passionate Team

We are a passionate team of skilled professionals who are dedicated to increasing accessibility to funding opportunities and providing a range of advisory services for technology startup entrepreneurs. We strive to empower and support entrepreneurs on their journey to success, offering valuable resources and insights to fuel their growth.

Startups Community Asia Ltd
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Startups Community Asia Ltd
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financial advisor
Startup Advisors
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Enterprise C-Level
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Our Services

At Startups Community Asia Ltd, we provide more than a few services tailor-made to the unique needs of the startup ecosystem in Asia. Here’s an in-depth study of each of our services:

Investment Matching

We connect startups with potential buyers who are interested in their industry and commercial enterprise model. This service is of course, superior to others because of our considerable community of buyers and our focus on growing meaningful connections.

Business Matching

We help businesses find potential partners or clients. Our platform’s complete database and smart matching system ensure that startups can discover the most appropriate opportunities that fits their business.

Startup Collaborations

We facilitate collaborations among startups for mutual increase and growth. This could include sharing sources, co-developing merchandise, or getting into joint ventures.

Mentorship Programs

We join startups with experienced mentors in their industry. These mentors offer guidance and help startups navigate demanding situations.

Startup Advisory Service

We offer startups with important market insights to assist them in making knowledgeable decisions. Our team of analysts leverages numerous statistics and resources to deliver accurate and up-to-date data.

Networking Events

We organize business events, workshops, and meetups to improve the knowledge and technical know-how of participants of our community network and for them to learn from each other.

How To Use Startups Community Asia Ltd

Explore our website now and unlock the potential for your startup’s success in only 4 steps

Hand clicking a search button

Step 1: Visit Our Website

Start by visiting our internet site at www.StartHub.Asia. Explore our platform and study more about our mission, vision, and the services we offer.


Step 2: Register as a Member

To benefit completely and get full access to our platform, you need to sign in as a member. Click on the “Register” button and fill out the registration form with your information. Once you’ve completed the registration, you’ll be able to fill out your profile and get entry to our members-only platform.

Man hand holding search box

Step 3: Explore Our Services

As a member, you’ll have access to our platform in which you can find funding possibilities, business partnerships, and startup collaborations. You also can participate in our network discussions and network with other individuals.

Group of business people holding

Step 4: Get Involved

Join our network discussions, participate in our events, and take advantage of the possibilities on our platform. Remember, the more active you are, the greater the advantages you’ll obtain from our community.

What You’ll Get

We are a dynamic network community that fosters collaboration among businesses entrepreneurs and provides them with funding opportunities.


Investment Matching

We help startups find the proper investors who believe in their goals, and those who can offer the capital, mentorship, and community they need.


Business Matching

We assist startups in finding the right clients, suppliers, and partners who can help them develop their market revenue, and increase their range of impact in the business world.


Startup Matching

We help startups find the proper co-founders, groups, individuals, mentors, and advisors who can complement their abilities. We assist startups in collaborating with each other


Join our community nowadays and gain access to our most effective platform. Register as a member, fill out your profile, and end up as a member of our community. Our platform is designed to foster collaboration and offer business and investment possibilities.

Benefits Of Membership

Access to Opportunities

Our platform provides a wealth of possibilities for startups, from business matching to business collaborations.

Community Support

As a member, you emerge as a part of a supportive network that stocks your entrepreneurial spirit.

Exclusive Resources

Membership offers you get right to access materials that are designed to help your business be successful.

Networking Opportunities

Our platform lets you connect with other startups, buyers, and investors in the community.

Tailored Recommendations

Based on your startup’s profile and goals, we provide personalized tips for investor partners and opportunities.

Expert Guidance

Our team of experienced professionals is available to provide guidance and advice on various aspects of running a startup.

Visibility and Promotion

As a member, your startup will be listed on our platform, growing its visibility among buyers and partners.

Continuous Learning

These activities cover a huge variety of topics and is a great way of getting updated with the trends and practices within the business world.

Recent Stories

What Our Clients Say

These reviews paint a vivid picture of Starthub as an innovation oasis for startups. Entrepreneurs praise the comprehensive support, personalized mentorship, and vibrant community that sets Starthub apart.

Exclusive seminar on 31 July (Wed) Funding and Expansion : Strategies for Startups