Startup Advisory Services Matrix


Advisory Name


Early Stage Startups

Growth Stage Startups

Established Stage Startups


Business Planning and Strategy

Advisors assist startups in formulating business plans, defining strategic objectives, and developing a roadmap for success.





Market Research and Analysis

Advisors conduct market research, analyze industry trends, and provide insights to support startups in making informed business decisions.





Financial Planning and Forecasting

Advisors help startups create financial plans, develop budgets, and forecast financial performance to support fundraising and growth strategies.





Fundraising and Investor Relations

Advisors assist startups in raising capital, preparing investor pitches, and building relationships with potential investors.





Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Advisors provide guidance on legal structures, contracts, and compliance with regulations to ensure startups operate within the legal framework.





Branding and Marketing Strategy

Advisors help startups develop branding strategies, define target audiences, and create marketing plans to build brand awareness and attract customers.





Product Development and Innovation

Advisors offer expertise in product development, innovation strategies, and prototyping to help startups create and refine their offerings.





Operations and Supply Chain Management

Advisors assist startups in optimizing operations, improving supply chain efficiency, and enhancing overall organizational effectiveness.





Human Resources and Talent Management

Advisors provide guidance on hiring practices, talent acquisition, and establishing HR processes to support startups’ growth and team development.





Financial Management and Accounting

Advisors help startups set up financial systems, manage cash flow, and ensure proper accounting practices for financial stability and growth.





Technology and IT Strategy

Advisors offer expertise in technology strategy, IT infrastructure planning, and digital transformation to support startups’ technological needs.





Sales and Business Development

Advisors assist startups in developing sales strategies, establishing partnerships, and expanding their customer base to drive revenue growth.





Customer Acquisition and Retention

Advisors help startups develop customer acquisition strategies, implement retention programs, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.





Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Advisors assist startups in identifying and forging strategic partnerships and alliances with other companies to access new markets, resources, or technologies.





Intellectual Property Strategy and Portfolio Management

Advisors assist startups in developing intellectual property strategies, managing IP portfolios, and maximizing the value of their intellectual assets.





Crisis Communication and Reputation Management

Advisors provide guidance on managing crises, developing effective communication strategies, and protecting and enhancing the reputation of the startup.





Franchise Development and Expansion

Advisors specialized in franchising help startups explore franchise opportunities, develop franchise models, and expand their business through franchising.





Market Segmentation and Targeting

Advisors assist startups in segmenting their target market, identifying customer segments, and developing targeted marketing strategies for each segment.





Customer Retention and Loyalty Programs

Advisors help startups implement customer retention strategies, design loyalty programs, and enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction.





Data Security and Risk Assessment

Advisors provide expertise in data security, assess data-related risks, and help startups implement measures to protect sensitive information and mitigate risks.





Digital Transformation and Change Management

Advisors guide startups through digital transformation initiatives, helping them adapt to technological changes, implement new systems, and manage organizational change.





Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategy

Advisors assist startups in developing CSR strategies aligned with their values and business objectives, integrating social and environmental initiatives into their operations.





Product Lifecycle Management

Advisors help startups manage the entire lifecycle of their products, from ideation and development to commercialization and eventual retirement or replacement.





Pricing Strategy and Revenue Optimization

Advisors offer expertise in pricing strategies, pricing models, and revenue optimization techniques to help startups maximize profitability.





International Expansion and Localization

Advisors support startups in expanding their operations internationally, adapting their products or services to local markets, and navigating cultural nuances.




Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Advisory

Advisors provide guidance on mergers, acquisitions, and strategic partnerships, assisting startups in navigating the complexities of M&A transactions.




Public Relations and Media Outreach

Advisors assist startups in developing PR strategies, building media relationships, and managing their public image and reputation.




Leadership Development and Succession Planning

Advisors help startups develop leadership skills, establish succession plans, and ensure a smooth transition of leadership within the organization.




Board Governance and Advisory Board Formation

Advisors offer guidance on establishing effective corporate governance practices and forming advisory boards to provide strategic guidance and oversight.




Exit Strategy and Succession Planning

Advisors assist startups in developing exit strategies, preparing for mergers, acquisitions, or IPOs, and planning for leadership succession.




Business Process Optimization

Advisors analyze and optimize business processes, identify inefficiencies, and recommend improvements to enhance productivity and operational effectiveness.




Data Analytics and Insights

Advisors provide expertise in data analytics, help startups derive actionable insights from data, and leverage data-driven decision-making.




Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

Advisors offer guidance on cybersecurity measures, data privacy regulations, and best practices to protect sensitive information from cyber threats.




Lean Startup Methodology

Advisors assist startups in adopting lean startup principles, conducting rapid experiments, and iterating on their business models to achieve product-market fit.





Social Media and Influencer Marketing

Advisors help startups develop social media strategies, leverage influencer partnerships, and engage with their target audience on social platforms.





Customer Experience and Satisfaction

Advisors assist startups in designing exceptional customer experiences, implementing feedback mechanisms, and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.





Sustainability and Green Practices

Advisors guide startups in integrating sustainable practices into their operations, reducing environmental impact, and promoting social responsibility.





Innovation and R&D Strategy

Advisors help startups develop innovation strategies, establish research and development processes, and foster a culture of innovation within the organization.





Employee Training and Development

Advisors assist startups in designing training programs, developing employee skills, and fostering a learning culture to support professional growth.





Strategic Exit Planning

Advisors provide guidance on long-term exit planning, maximizing valuation, and preparing for a successful exit event, such as an acquisition or IPO.




AI and Machine Learning Strategy

Advisors offer expertise in AI and machine learning, helping startups identify opportunities, develop AI strategies, and implement AI-powered solutions.




Business Model Innovation

Advisors assist startups in reevaluating and innovating their business models to adapt to changing market dynamics and unlock new growth opportunities.




Customer Analytics and Segmentation

Advisors help startups leverage customer data, conduct segmentation analysis, and develop personalized marketing strategies to target specific customer segments.




Product Roadmapping and Prioritization

Advisors assist startups in defining product roadmaps, prioritizing feature development, and aligning product strategies with business goals.




Diversity and Inclusion Strategies

Advisors offer guidance on developing diversity and inclusion strategies, fostering inclusive workplaces, and promoting equality within startup organizations.




International Market Entry

Advisors support startups in entering international markets, conducting market research, identifying entry strategies, and navigating cultural and regulatory challenges.




Corporate Finance and Capital Structure

Advisors provide expertise in corporate finance, helping startups optimize their capital structure, manage debt/equity ratios, and make strategic financial decisions.




Social Impact Measurement and Reporting

Advisors assist startups in measuring and reporting their social impact, aligning their activities with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).




Advisory Name


Early Stage Startups

Growth Stage Startups

Established Stage Startups


Data Governance and Compliance

Advisors offer guidance on data governance frameworks, data management policies, and compliance with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA).




Crisis Recovery and Turnaround

Advisors help startups navigate crisis situations, develop recovery plans, and implement strategies to turn around the business and restore profitability.




Agile Methodology and Scrum Practices

Advisors assist startups in adopting agile methodologies, implementing scrum practices, and improving project management and team collaboration.




Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Advisors help startups implement CRM systems, develop customer-centric strategies, and streamline customer relationship management processes.




Business Intelligence and Data Visualization

Advisors offer expertise in business intelligence tools, data visualization techniques, and dashboard design to help startups derive insights from data.




Employee Engagement and Retention

Advisors assist startups in developing employee engagement strategies, implementing recognition programs, and improving employee retention rates.




Regulatory Affairs and Compliance

Advisors provide guidance on regulatory compliance, navigate complex legal requirements, and ensure startups adhere to industry-specific regulations.




Branding and Identity Development

Advisors assist startups in developing strong brand identities, crafting brand strategies, and creating consistent brand messaging across various channels.




Supply Chain Optimization

Advisors help startups optimize their supply chain processes, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall supply chain management.




Intellectual Property Strategy

Advisors offer expertise in intellectual property (IP) strategy, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, to protect startups’ innovative ideas.




Market Research and Competitive Analysis

Advisors assist startups in conducting market research, analyzing competition, and identifying market trends to make informed business decisions.




Digital Marketing Strategy

Advisors help startups develop comprehensive digital marketing strategies, including SEO, SEM, content marketing, and online advertising campaigns.




Financial Modeling and Forecasting

Advisors provide expertise in financial modeling techniques, help startups forecast financial performance, and evaluate investment opportunities.




UX/UI Design and User Testing

Advisors assist startups in designing user-centric interfaces, conducting user testing, and optimizing the user experience of their products or services.




Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Advisors guide startups in forming strategic partnerships and alliances with other organizations to drive growth, expand market reach, and access new resources.




Change Management and Organizational Culture

Advisors help startups manage organizational change, foster a positive company culture, and navigate transitions during periods of growth or transformation.




Product Development and Innovation Strategy

Advisors provide expertise in product development methodologies, innovation strategies, and help startups bring new products or services to market.




International Expansion

Advisors assist startups in expanding their operations internationally, entering new markets, and navigating global business challenges.




Sales and Business Development

Advisors offer guidance on sales strategies, business development techniques, and help startups drive revenue growth and expand their customer base.




Talent Acquisition and Recruitment

Advisors assist startups in developing talent acquisition strategies, optimizing recruitment processes, and attracting top talent to their organizations.




E-commerce Strategy

Advisors help startups develop e-commerce strategies, optimize online sales channels, and enhance the customer experience in the digital marketplace.




Risk Management and Mitigation

Advisors provide guidance on identifying and mitigating risks, establishing risk management frameworks, and ensuring business continuity for startups.




Social Media Strategy

Advisors assist startups in developing effective social media strategies, creating engaging content, and leveraging social media platforms for brand growth.




Leadership and Executive Coaching

Advisors provide executive coaching services, mentorship programs, and leadership development strategies to help startups enhance their leadership capabilities.




Pricing Strategy and Revenue Optimization

Advisors offer expertise in pricing strategies, revenue optimization techniques, and help startups maximize their profitability and pricing competitiveness.




Data Privacy and Security

Advisors help startups navigate data privacy regulations, implement security measures, and develop data protection strategies to safeguard sensitive information.




Productivity and Time Management

Advisors assist startups in improving productivity, implementing time management techniques, and optimizing workflows to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.




Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

Advisors guide startups in integrating sustainable practices, developing CSR initiatives, and aligning their business with environmental and social responsibilities.




Video Content Strategy

Advisors help startups develop video content strategies, create compelling video content, and leverage video marketing to engage their target audience.




Crowdfunding and Fundraising

Advisors offer expertise in crowdfunding campaigns, fundraising strategies, and help startups secure funding from various sources, including investors and the public.




IT Infrastructure and Cloud Services

Advisors assist startups in designing IT infrastructure, implementing cloud services, and optimizing technology systems to support their business operations.




Customer Success and Retention

Advisors provide guidance on customer success strategies, retention programs, and help startups build strong customer relationships for long-term business growth.




Public Relations and Media Outreach

Advisors help startups develop PR strategies, manage media relations, and enhance their brand reputation through effective public relations and media outreach.




Data Analytics and Insights

Advisors offer expertise in data analytics, data-driven decision-making, and help startups derive actionable insights to drive business growth and performance.




Legal Advisory and Contract Negotiation

Advisors provide legal guidance, contract negotiation support, and help startups navigate legal challenges to ensure compliance and protect their business interests.




Customer Experience Design

Advisors assist startups in designing exceptional customer experiences, improving user journeys, and enhancing overall satisfaction with products or services.




Mobile App Development

Advisors offer expertise in mobile app development, guide startups through the app development lifecycle, and help them create successful mobile applications.




Influencer Marketing

Advisors assist startups in developing influencer marketing strategies, identifying suitable influencers, and leveraging their reach to promote products or services.




International Business and Trade

Advisors provide guidance on international business practices, trade regulations, and help startups expand their global market presence and international trade.




Data Science and Machine Learning

Advisors offer expertise in data science, machine learning, and help startups leverage data-driven technologies to gain insights and improve business decision-making.




Cybersecurity and Threat Management

Advisors assist startups in implementing cybersecurity measures, managing threats, and protecting their digital assets and sensitive information from cyber attacks.




Organizational Development and HR Strategy

Advisors help startups with organizational development strategies, HR processes, and talent management to foster a productive and thriving work environment.




Data Governance and Compliance

Advisors provide guidance on data governance frameworks, compliance with data protection regulations, and data privacy best practices.




Strategic Exit Planning

Advisors assist startups in developing exit strategies, preparing for mergers or acquisitions, and maximizing value during exits.




Customer Analytics and Segmentation

Advisors offer expertise in customer analytics, segmentation techniques, and help startups gain insights into customer behavior.




Agile Product Development

Advisors guide startups in implementing agile product development methodologies, iterative processes, and cross-functional collaboration.




IT Project Management

Advisors assist startups in project management, risk assessment, resource allocation, and successful delivery of IT projects.




Social Impact and Sustainability

Advisors help startups integrate social impact and sustainability practices into their business models and operations.




Advisory Name


Early Stage Startups

Growth Stage Startups

Established Stage Startups


Customer Feedback and Surveys

Advisors assist startups in designing effective customer feedback mechanisms, conducting surveys, and analyzing customer insights.




Localization and Internationalization

Advisors provide guidance on localizing products, adapting marketing strategies, and expanding into international markets.




Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

Advisors offer expertise in data warehousing, ETL processes, and business intelligence solutions for startups’ data management needs.




Startup Ecosystem Engagement

Advisors help startups engage with the broader startup ecosystem, connect with investors, mentors, and industry networks.



Please note that the categorization of advisory service categories into different startup stages is a general representation, and the specific needs of startups may vary. Additionally, the categorization is based on the assumption that certain advisory services may be more relevant or valuable at specific stages of a startup’s lifecycle.

Exclusive seminar on 31 July (Wed) Funding and Expansion : Strategies for Startups